Look who got sized for his first violin!

His little violin will be 1/16 size...could it be ANY cuter? We are following Suzuki instruction methods, which means that Mommy learns to play the violin along with Reese at first. The parent-teacher-child "triangle" is a major component in Suzuki success.
Reese will actually begin on a "foamalin" which is just what it sounds like...a foam violin without any strings. They use the foamalin to learn proper care (treat your violin like it's a baby), bow hold, head position, etc. before throwing in an instrument to the mix.
Once Reese has progressed far enough with the foamalin, then we'll go back & pick up his real violin.
I lucked out as well...they didn't have any used rental violins for me, so I ended up with a brand spanking new violin! Can I admit something? There's a big part of me that's excited to learn to play! Poor Jeff will need some ear plugs as Reese & I scratch out Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (the first song all Suzuki students learn)!
Playing the violin is not something we, as parents, initiated! Reese has been obsessed with music since birth, & has lately shown an intense interest in playing the cello & violin. When I started looking into lessons & finding an instructor Reese's excitement picked up in intensity.
So, these lessons are completely Reese-based! I'm just trying to open as many doors for him as possible whenever his interest is sparked. Whether it's violin lessons, baseball practice, stage acting, or whatever comes next!!
If you'd like to find out why I like Suzuki methods, please feel free to contact me in the comments section & I'll be happy to share my thoughts!
I am jealous. Learning to play the violin is one of those things I have not checked of my very long "things to do in my lifetime list". I do agree the earplugs are a good idea if you want your husband to stay home...otherwise crates of Mountain Dew may continue to accumulate in your pantry.
Aww how cute. i didnt know they made violins that small. good for you for going for it.. I like the idea of a foam violin.
Excellent. Who is Reese's teacher? I am a beginning Suzuki teacher myself and have been trying to find a source for foamalins. I took a few years away from teaching the young ones and managed to lose track of my original source (sorry, Lorraine! I'll take better notes in my future teacher trainee classes...). Any help you could provide would be much appreciated; please reply to yuki@openmind.com. Thanks!
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