Tuesday, November 06, 2007

This Is How Our Homeschool Works!

Reese is 100% Night Owl when it comes to learning. During the early mornings, he tends to just relax & lay low. Late mornings & afteroon are times when he wants to play outside, wrestle with anyone who will participate, & help cook in the kitchen.

But come night time, Reese is ready to do what I would consider more "schoolish" things. He even asks for activities during that time of night--things like handwriting practice (which he just calls "homework"), coloring sheets, Math games, reading books, etc.

He also is ready for another dinner meal at around 9:00. We do eat dinner at a normal dinner hour, but more often than not he asks for a meal around 9:00 at night! He's easy to please (last night it was toast with butter & a baked potato) so it's not like I'm having to cook a whole meal or anything.

But it is so interesting how night time is his "focus" time. It is hard sometimes, because I'm ready to relax & REST, but Reese is at his peak interaction time. Jeff suggested that I take a nap with Reese in the afternoons instead of doing other stuff at that time. That's a good idea!

So here's a video of the boys reading. Reese has memorized this Arthur Halloween book & was very proud to read it to Daddy!

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