Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Tuesday's Music Class

A fun morning all about shadows!

Watching a shadow show & trying to guess what animal each shadow belongs to.
Can you tell what the shadow is?

Reese behind the curtain making the shadows. They had animal shapes cut out & glued to popsicle sticks, so you could hold them up & cast a cool shadow. The boys loved taking turns making the shadows!

A quick trip outside to find our own shadows & play a game of Shadow Stomp! Reese's music teacher is in the blue pants, & Reese is in the white t-shirt.

The dough project was to recreate our experience outside. The sun & Reese are in yellow, & his shadow is in blue. So cute!

Using rhythm sticks & a metronome. Trying to keep beat with the metronome.

The anmial cards all had matching shadow cards, & the boys tried to find the matching cards.

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