Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What Happens When My Baby Gets Penicillin...

This was from three years ago, when Reese was little and had a crazy cough we couldn't get rid of. Doc prescribed some penicillin...and 8 days into the 10 day treatment, Reese woke up with this:

Turns out he is highly allergic to Penicillin, just like his Daddy & sister, and it took a few days for these crazy spots to go away. We made a stop by the hospital when his fingers and ears started swelling, but all was OK.

I thought it was crazy that he'd been taking the medicine for 8 days and then he had a reaction. But after doing research, it isn't all that uncommon to have a delayed reaction.

On a side note, I want my baby with a pacifier back. I miss him being this little!


LaShawn said...

My oldest is also allergic to it. The first time he broke out in that horrid rash I freaked out. Poor guy!

Robyn said...

The EXACT same thing happened to Carolina! And Brad is allergic too. Rough...