I took Reese to the pediatrician this week & he asked me this question...
"Does Reese ever get to socialize?
Does he see other children?"
I wish he understood the greatness of our friends."Does Reese ever get to socialize?
Does he see other children?"
And the fact that we come together to learn & explore.
Wednesday, we gathered to play outside & then
Learn about fractions...
They took turns, shared, played together, discussed, participated.
They were not confined to a classroom to accomplish this.
We gathered in a garage
(which was insanely clean & organized by the way!)
and sat around the group table...
learning with our friends.
Why, yes he does.
And what a group of wonderful children it is!!!
awww.. tear.. tear....
Some people just don't get it. There are thousands of opportunities for these kids to hang out and socialize without a classroom. I think there are more when you are home-schooled.
Good for you to sticking to your guns. You and only you know what is best for Reese!
Awesome post!! I wish more people understood what a great opportunity children can have through homeschooling.
For being so highly educated I've discovered that peds can be a pretty dumb lot ;-) I've gone through 3 myself. I was naive and didn't realize how personally a working female doctor would take my decision to stay home with my daughter. Just keep doing what you're doing - you know you've got a lot of cheerleaders out here!
I am sorry that the Dr. doesn't get it. But what matters is that YOU do, and you know you are giving Reese an amazing childhood experience in so many ways.
Ahh, yes. Just love those questions. (Not.) But you are so right; I believe we actually spend more time in our co-op, groups, and church events than we probably should! (If the "rest of the world" only knew!) We have made some terrific friends this year; God has blessed us so much. And you are one of them!
Does Reese's Doc know Reese, you and your family AT ALL!?!?
I've gotten some grief from others about homeschooling, but never from docs- except for the crowding issue. Its hard to keep 6 children quiet in those little rooms! Last well baby check the pediatrician, the intern, and I got into a great q&a session about homeschooling. They were very receptive and impressed.
I just found you through the Carnival. This was a great post. When will people get a clue? I love being home with my kids we meet all kinds of new people almost everyday.
That picture of Reese with his friends is AMAZING! What a fun day! come on over to the garage NOW...ugh.
I am laughing so hard.
I hate that question.
Good for you.
Our kids are relaxed and meet many people. LOL!
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