Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Betcha' Didn't Know....

I betcha' didn't know that I think the Brownie Edge Pan is the greatest invention EVER (well, aside from the lightbulb, Diet Dr. Pepper, & the car seat...)

I only REALLY like the corners of the brownies, and the Edge Pan has 10 corners. Mmmmmm....

And when you're picking your way through a curvy brownie pan, it doesn't feel at all like you've eaten an entire box of brownie mix yourself in one day. I'm just sayin'....

Get one. You need it. Trust me.


E said...

I saw this in an in-flight magazine when I was traveling and thought it was ingenious!!!

Sweet Caroline said...

I didn't know there was this type of pan...Please come over to my house: I can't get my kids to eat the edges and they get tossed in the sink! How cute you are! ESPECIALLY the Diet Dr. Pepper part.