We met Wednesday at
Holly's house for a big group project! The project is organized by an artist in Austin, & we all took tiny strips of canvas & painted on them. The artist will use all our tiny strips, along with tiny strips from hundreds of other people, & combine them into one big canvas. How awesome is that?
Mrs. Holly started with some books showing other art made by combining lots of little parts.
See that beautiful little one crawling away? Say hello to our newest member, adopted this summer by one of our group members! Makes Mommy seriously reconsider the "we're all done" idea....
Everyone picked one block out of the bin. Then they all took turns placing their block onto the stack to make a collaborative building project. Mrs. Holly did a great job with the blocks...I think it helped the kids understand the next part of our morning...
We gathered in Mrs. Holly's art room/2nd kitchen/great place to get messy/what a great idea! Everyone chose a strip of canvas & then went to work painting...
After working very hard to create a mini-masterpiece, everyone headed upstairs to Mrs. Holly's theater. Loads of costumes, a stage...Reese loves to come to Mrs. Holly's house!
Another costume creation Reese found in the theater....
Here's Reese's canvas piece. Quite a few pieces wound up this color, but I particularly liked the texture in his work...
All the Mommies had fun creating their own piece of canvas as well. I tore tissue paper into little bits & used Modge Podge to create a tree.
I think the most artistic piece I found was Mrs. Deb's. Over-achiever. :)
Wow that is so cool. I love Deb's art! Yes she is amazing! And Holly's rug is cool. And Holly's Theater Room is more than cool! (Ideas ideas) And the whole art project, well, that's just over the top. We're quitting school and joining the co-op! Ok maybe not this year. But I can't tell you how much I learned from my short time with your co-op -- you guys have given me so much inspiration and encouragement. Thanks!
Complete over achiever, but I love your tree too. So cute. Bianca finished the last strip last night so I am hopefully going to get them in the mail today or tomorrow.
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