I just cringe when I pay for a $15.99 haircut, but I've tried visiting other places like Super Cuts & Fantastic Sams, and the ladies there just get mad when he cries. At least the gals at Cool Cuts 4 Kids are compassionate & patient & don't rush. I guess it's worth a few extra bucks!
Friday afternoon, Reese & I went out to the woods to continue working on our path. Reese found this cactus, and was looking at it. Seconds after this picture, he grabbed a lobe of cactus & got the horrible hair-like prickles in his fingers & hand. OH NO!
Reese cried hysterically (which I understand!) but refused to let me touch his hands to help. As he's crying, he's got mega-snot running down his face because he's got a cold still, and we're in the woods with no Kleenex, paper towels, napkins...So I'm trying to use my shirt & his shirt to wipe his nose, and keep his hands still and not rub his face with them, & calm him down so I can convince him to let me pull out the stickers!
After a few minutes, Mommy got very serious & Reese let me help. In the process, I got a few hairs stuck in my hands, but successfully got all of them out of Reese's fingers & palms. We headed back to the house, and took of his pants, which were covered with hairs on one leg where he must have brushed the cactus. I just threw them away...they were last year's jeans anyway, and I wasn't ABOUT to put them in the washing machine to spread stickers onto everything else!
Poor Reese. I guess being in nature has it's dangers, & we learned an important lesson today...even if it looks harmless, NEVER touch a cactus!!!

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